The Preparation

The Heart of Abba for the One People Many Nations Event

"Dare to be different" indeed. My glory will be revealed in unprecedented ways, in ways that will floor the religious spirit of the day. I want to be known as I Am, and not what man has sought to make of me in their quest to find me and to serve me.

I will have a chosen generation and a Holy nation of people, but My holiness must be understood in the context of the fullness of the life I created to live within and to be manifested in the earth that I created because it "pleased" me to do so. I did it for My pleasure.

The work of salvation, the finished work of the cross is to be fully served within the daily lives of my people in the earth realm. The everlasting wheel of pleasure that was released at Calvary is just that ...... an everlasting wheel of pleasure will be enjoyed without end. Therefore even as heaven rejoices, have parties , dances, so I want to see my people come into my arms and accept the invitation to "May I have this dance" and give me the pleasure of leading the dance as the "Lord of the dance".

Preparing for the First One People Many Nations Ancestry Gala

Much like Esther's preparation to go before the king (Esther 2:12), the preparation for the first One People Many Nations Ancestry Gala took several months to a year for most of those who attended. The preparation included beauty treatments, etiquette classes, ballroom dance classes, research into heritages, and selecting the perfect gowns and formal attire to represent those heritages. All of this came together to create a colorful montage of nations celebrating the Lord of the Dance in great splendor.

The first One People Many Nations celebration comprised three events over three days: the Ancestry Gala, a Victorian day with a visit to the Flagler Musuem and tea at The Historic Chesterfield hotel, and a grand finale. The Ancestry Gala ended with resounding praise as the guests danced to "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name".

We invite you to a glimpse of the preparation for the first One People Many Nations event below. Don't forget to scroll down to see the videos!

Preparation Photos

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Preparation Videos

  • Cha Cha Group
  • Cha Cha
  • Foxtrot
  • Quick Step
  • Tango
  • Viennese Waltz
  • Waltz