The Changing Face of the Church

The Changing Face of What Is Traditionally Known as The Church

The church for several years and as long as we can remember, has had a face of traditionalism which espouses piousness and all its attending characteristics. We are however, at a juncture in the 21st century where the face of the church (the ecclesia or called out ones) has changed and changed radically to the extent that “it” can no longer be recognized or even identified by tradition or ritual.

What is upon us is a bold, invasive, multifaceted organism which is faceless and can only be discerned by the essence “it” releases through interaction with all others, particularly those who are yet to become members.

This new phenomenon is no longer prepared to succumb to tradition or ritualism, neither can it be contained, constrained or restrained by man-made rules, regulations, partiality or reservation. "It” dares to take on uncommon involvement in events which historically were undertaken by the so-called elite of the world and those who may have worldly governmental influence. The difference is now you have this radical organism which functions at a high level of excellence, efficiency and effectiveness based on the radical change that each member has experienced; and carries no reservation or doubt as to Who has orchestrated that change, resulting in an uncompromising collective posture that knows no bounds.

This organism cannot be identified, framed, molded or confined, neither can “it” be labelled as it functions in areas which are unexpected where the prospect of radical change will occur. “It” freely engages the world, affects people outside its realm and exacts change under the guidance of the “One” living within. “It” is unstoppable: “its” members occupy all areas of worldly influence and often surprise those with whom they interact with an approach that is all-embracing and disarming.

This fresh approach underscores the need to satisfy the yearning and a void in peoples’ lives which silently cry out for attention.

What fuels this new organism? A pure, genuine and selfless “love” that has enveloped the lives of “its” members which others cannot resist.
