The Testimonials

"It was not just a ball. It was not just dinner. It was not just cocktails. It was about changing lives. May your lives be changed for ever!"

"I am changed forever!"

"Breathtaking! Mysterious! Exciting! Those are the words that come to mind to describe what was the culmination of an event on the evening of December 18th, 2015 at The Breakers, West Palm Beach, Florida, which was almost two years in planning and final execution. For me it was a "walk" of following the leading of The Lord at every stage of preparation, knowing that He had designed this event so that it mirrored a slice of Heaven right here on earth. The excellence of every aspect of this event was nothing short of regal and the atmosphere was tangible with His Presence to the extent that it felt like fantasy, yet so very real. Truly I have never experienced an event which made me feel that I was living the moments from a different world. I am changed forever!" "

"I will show myself off through you in "Live Colour"

'Years ago, the Lord said to me: "I will show myself off through you in "Live Colour. Not in black and white, but in Live Colour to show forth how multi-faceted I am."' I wasn't sure how he was going to do such a thing, or what that meant...December 18th, 2015 was certainly for me a manifestation of God showing Himself forth in "Live Colour".

After preparing for this event for one year and experiencing the joy and beauty of the Lord bursting forth in the appearance of the guests, in the actual grandeur of the the event itself and the heart warming testimonies, my heart is so full of love and adoration for such a personal God, one who takes the time to invade the space of man, and gets involved in the affairs of man to show himself off in "Live Colour" in the execution of His divine plan. I am so honored to have been chosen to be a part of that plan and to give him the pleasure of simply being Himself...The God of beauty, grandeur and Splendour. This event was for me indeed a Taste and see of the goodness of the Lord."'

"I became a princess"

"For years I have heard that I was a princess - the daughter of a King. But hearing and believing are two different things. On the night of the gala, I became that princess. From the dream gown, to the grandeur of what could only have been called a "palace", to the "prince" who, from the moment I met him, said "I will take care of you," and kept his promise throughout - I became the embodiment of a princess. And after, the Lord said to me, "You are the daughter of a King and the bride of a King. How could you be anything else?"

"For one night, I became Cinderella"

"Sometimes it is hard to put into words an experience that is so supernatural that earthly words just don't suffice. What can I say? For a moment in time we were transported into the Throne Room of God...filled with sights, sounds and taste that could almost be too overwhelming for the natural being too contain. Was it a dream or reality??!! For one night, I became Cinderella...complete with prince and carriage. The clock struck midnight and it was over...or was it??!! I have been transformed and shall never return to the girl covered in ashes!!"

"I thought I had entered a heavenly land"

"Thank you for a beautiful event and an earth shattering experience. I have travelled the globe with my Mum and Dad and have been to some beautiful dinner experiences - but nothing compares to the GALA Ancestry Ball. I thought I had entered a heavenly land when I approached the dining room. To me, it was poetry in motion. There is nothing to compare it with. It was truly par excellence in all the glory of tasting and seeing God in the extremity of HIS Goodness - would not have missed it."

"Could have made for a spectacular motion picture"

"There are no words that can adequately express the multitude of thoughts and feelings I experienced on the evening of December 18, 2015 thanks to your efforts in meticulously planning and execution of a truly magnificent event. I sincerely thank you both for extending to me a unique opportunity to travel back in time, as it were, to experience the splendor and grace of a time gone by. I would like to add that your event could have made for a spectacular motion picture from the limousines, the formal attire, the magnificence and grandeur of the Palm Beach Breakers, the music, the dinnerware and stemware and the appetizers and the dinner menu…WOW! …did I mention the desserts? As Bob Hope would say at the end of each of his shows… “Thanks for the memories”.

"It has been an awesome event, well planned and executed"

"Last weekend brought much joy to my heart and helped to pull me out of the fog of depression since losing my husband earlier this year. I was truly blessed, and thanks for allowing me to be part of this grand occasion. The grand finale was a grand one because the Spirit of the Lord was present and it was a great spiritual experience, so we know that God was always in the plans and with us. We could not have asked for anything better."

"An awesome celebration of life"

"An awesome celebration of life and the gifts given in the present 'life'."

"It was a fantastic experience"

"It was a lot of fun dressing up and dining in such a luxurious manner. I also enjoyed the opportunity to share the joy that I experience through dancing with such a kind, fun, loving, and Christian family during this special event. It was a fantastic experience."

"It was one of those events you may be lucky to be part of once or twice in your lifetime"

"It was one of those events you may be lucky to be part of once or twice in your lifetime. It was civil, glamorous and grandiose taking place at The Breakers. The reception had great hors d'oeuvres from different countries. Then to the lavish candlelight dining with formal settings. Then to the ball with an orchestra playing viennesse waltz, tango, cha cha cha... where the dancing was elegant and kept going until latter hours. And finally, the limo ride to bring back our dates to the hotel. Again thank you very much for this unique experience!"

"It was truly a highlight of my entire life"

"It was truly a highlight of my entire life. It was classy, elegant and filled with love. You are blessed by the Lord to make such a wonderful evening possible. I feel blessed that I was part of it. It is a memory for all my life. Thank you again." "

"I have become a better person"

"I have become a better person after meeting all of these great people and learning how to be a companion for my significant other. I went to a few dates after the party and my date was amazed to see how I treated her - being a gentleman. And I want thank you for that. I will never forget this day."

"Ohhh my Gosh! For me, it was special."

"Ohhh my Gosh! For me, it was special. First time in my life I experienced such good organization and perfect people. It was a lot of fun. Your husband’s speech was phenomenal. I learned a lot from him that night. Stay blessed."

"It was the classiest, most elegant event"

"It was the classiest, most elegant event I ever had the pleasure and privilege to attend!"

"Made my dream come true"

"I just wanted to say thank you for allowing the Lord to use your life to make my dream come true. Your selflessness and love have caused Heaven to rain on us revelation about the true Kingdom of God. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

"I feel like I am in a dream, but it is so real"

"Wow, it's amazing. I feel like I am in a dream, but it is so real. Just seeing the hands of God and His magnificent plan has made me realize that there is nothing that He can't do. My faith has grown, my eyes have been opened. I will never be the same again. I have felt His presence and Love. He, Abba has taught me how to be a lady in waiting, to wait in great expectation. From this day onward, my life will never be the same."

"It was like a fairytale"

"Throughout my career of 15 years, I have been to a lot of events. This is definitely one of my top three. It was like a fairytale: the atmosphere, the people, everything. An A+ party for sure. This is the reason why I wake up every day and feel blessed to do what I do and that's the reason why I love my job. I was honored to be part of this lovely and unforgettable party."

"Perfectly synchronized, flawlessly syncopated and beautifully choreographed"

"Perfectly synchronized, flawlessly syncopated and beautifully choreographed describes the oppulant Gala Ball held on December 18th, 2015 including all the preparations leading up to this awesome three-day phenomena. This definitely is a foreshadow and a foretaste of the Kingdom of Heaven, Christ and His Church, the Wife of the Lamb. She, preparing herself to meet the Bridegroom, beautifully dressed for her Husband - the Bridegroom preparing a Wedding Banquet and a Place for His Bride."

"What more could one desire for a perfect event?"

"A spirit of generosity filled the days of celebration. Handsome and beautiful people, stunning attire, exquisite ambiance, gastronomic cuisine, generous hosts. What more could one desire for a perfect event? Absolutely nothing! We have tasted and have seen that God is good. We who were blessed to have shared these moments are required from a position of love and generosity to share our blessings. God will show the way. May we be discerning to hear the call and be disciples."

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